Senin, 11 April 2011

Maher Zein

Alllahu Akbar…

If you ask me about love
And what i know about it
My answer would be
It’s everything about Allah
The pure love, to our souls
The creator of you and me,the heaven and whole universe
The one that made us whole and free
The guardian of HIS true believers
So when the time is hard

There’s no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us

So when the time is hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise HE will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart

So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…

HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the light
Subhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everything
Shouldn’t never feel afraid of anything
As long as we follow HIS guidance all the way
Through the short time we have in this life
Soon it all’ll be over
And we’ll be in His heaven and we’ll all be fine

So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And HE knows what’s in all in our heart

So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…

Allahu Akbar…

So when the time gets hard
There’s no way to turn
As HE promise He will always be there
To bless us with HIS love and HIS mercy
Coz, as HE promise HE will always be there
HE’s always watching us, guiding us
And he knows what’s in all in our heart

So when you lose your way
To Allah you should turn
As HE promise HE will always be there…

Allahu Akbar…

Alllahu Akbar, Alllah u Akbar…
Allah… Allah… Allah… Allah…

Si tu cherches ce qu’est l’amour
Et ce que moi, j’en dis
Je te dévoilerai
Que tout émane d’Allah
L’ivresse pure, pour nos âmes
Il est ton créateur et le mien, celui des cieux et de tout l’univers
Il nous accorde la vie
Il est le protecteur de ceux qui croient en Lui

Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi Sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son amour nous réclame, Sa clémence nous implore
Souviens-toi Sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connait le tréfonds de nos coeurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie, vers Allah tourne-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche

Il nous conduit de l’obscurité vers la lumière
Soubhan Allah, de toutes choses Il est capable
Rien ne devrait jamais nous faire peur
Tant que nous implorons Sa guidance, ici-bas
Nous sommes de passage dans cette vie
Bientôt place à l’au-delà
Et dans Ses Jardins, nous serons tous comblés de bonheur

Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi Sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son amour nous réclame, Sa clémence nous implore
Souviens-toi Sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Il connait le tréfonds de nos coeurs
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie, vers Allah tourne-toi
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche

Alllahu Akbar, Alllah u Akbar…
Allah… Allah… Allah… Allah…

Et quand les temps sont rudes
Que tu te sens perdu
Souviens-toi Sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Son amour nous réclame, Sa clémence nous implore
Souviens-toi Sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Sur nous Il veille sans cesse, nous guide
Souviens-toi sa promesse
Il est toujours proche
Alors quand tu cherches ta voie, vers Allah tourne-toi
Il connait le tréfonds de nos coeurs

Alllahu Akbar, Alllah u Akbar…
Allah… Allah… Allah… Allah…

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Default "Ya Nabi Salam Alayka"

Anta noorol lahy fajran
Jeita baadal osry yosran
Rabbona aalaka kadran
Ya imam al anbeya’ee
You are the light of Allah at dawn
You came after the hardship as convenience
Our Allah raised up your position
Oh Imam (Leader) of the Prophets

Anta fel wejdany hayyon
Anta lel aynayny dayyon
Anta endal hawdy reyyon
Anta haden wa safeyyon
Ya habeeby ya muhammad
You are alive in sentiment
You are the light of eyes
You are the irrigation at the Hawd (basin)
You are the absolutely pure guide
My beloved Muhammad

Ya nabi salam alaika
Ya rassool salam alayka
Ya habeeb salam alayka
Salawatol lah alayka
Oh Prophet, peace be upon you
Oh Messenger, peace be
Oh beloved, peace be
The prayers of Allah be

Yartawee bel hobby kalby
Hobby khayry rosly rabby
Man behee absarto darby
Ya shafee’ee ya rassool allah
My heart irrigates with love
Whom by him I have seen my path
The love of the best of Messengers of my God
My intercessor, Oh Messenger of Allah

Ayyohal mokhtaro feena
Zadanal hobbo haneena
Jeitana bel khayry deena
Ya khetamal morsaleena
Ya habeeby ya muhammad
Oh, the chosen out from us
Love boosted up the nostalgia
You came for us with religious peace
Oh, final Messenger
My beloved Muhammad

Ya nabi salam alayka
Ya rassool salam alayka
Ya habeeb salam alayka
Salawatol lah alayka
Oh Prophet, peace be upon you
Oh Messenger, peace be
Oh beloved, peace be
The prayers of Allah be

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Default "Insha Allah"

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Everytime you commit one more mistake
You feel you can’t repent
And that its way too late
Your’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah x3
Insya Allah you’ll find your way

Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray

OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way x2
Insyaallah x3
Insya Allah we’ll find the way

Si parfois tu as du mal à avancé si tu te sent seul, si tu te sent paumé.
Quand la nuit s’éternise, que l’obscurité t’oppresse même désemparé, même si tu sais quelle voie suivre.
Ne baisse pas les bras et ne perd pas espoir car Allah est toujours proche de toi..

Tu trouveras ta voie

Tu trouveras ta voie

Si parfois tu commet tans de fautes que pour te repentir tu pense qu’il est trop tard.
Tellement confus des mauvais choix que tu fais qui rend tout ton esprit et emplisse ton cœur de haut.
Ne baisse pas les bras et ne perd pas espoir car Allah est toujours proche de toi..


Vas vers Allah, il n’est jamais très loin, fais lui confiance lève tes mains et pris Ouh Ya Allah guide nos pas et protège nous de l’errance.
Tu es le seul qui puisse
‘nous montrer la voie’x4

Nous trouverons notre voie
Nous trouverons notre voie

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Default "Palestine Will Be Free"

Every day we tell each other
That this day will be the last
And tomorrow we all can go home free
And all this will finally end
Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free

No mother no father to wipe away my tears
That’s why I won’t cry
I feel scared but I won’t show my fears
I keep my head high

Deep in my heart I never have any doubt

That Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free

I saw those rockets and bombs shining in the sky
Like drops of rain in the sun’s light
Taking away everyone dear to my heart
Destroying my dreams in a blink of an eye

What happened to our human rights?
What happened to the sanctity of life?

And all those other lies?
I know that I’m only a child
But is your conscience still alive

I will caress with my bare hands
Every precious grain of sand

Every stone and every tree
‘Cause no matter what they do
They can never hurt you
Coz your soul will always be free

Palestine tomorrow will be free
Palestine tomorrow will be free

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Default "Thank You Allah"

I was so far from you
Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
Further and further away from you
Ooooo Allah, you brought me home
I thank You with every breath I take.

Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah

All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that’s when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you.

Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

Allah, I wanna thank You
I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
And did you give me hope

O Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank You for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I wanna thank You for bringing me home

Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

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Default "Allah Hi Allah Kiya Karo"

Allahi Allah kiya karo
Dukh na kisi ko diya karo
Jo duniya ka malik hai
Naam ussi ka liya karo.

Allah hee Allah…

Allahi Allah kiya karo
Dukh na kissi ko diya karo
Jo duniya ka malik hai
Naam usi ka liya karo.

Allahi Allah…

Just like a sunrise can’t be denied
Oh, just like the river will find the sea
O Allah, You’re here and You’re always near
And I know without a doubt
That You always hear my prayer

Such ki raah pay chala karo
Dukh na kisi ko diya karo
Jo duniya ka malik hai
Naam ussi ka liya karo.

Allah hee Allah..

Allah hee Allah kiya karo
Dukh naa kisi ko diya karo
Jo duniya ka malik hai
Naam usi ka liya karo.

Allah hi Allah

So many bright stars
Like diamonds in the sky
Oh, it makes me wonder
How anyone can be blind
To all the signs so clear
Just open your eyes
And I know without a doubt
You will surly see the light

Aisa zulm na kiya karo
Dukh na kisi ko diya karo
Jo duniya ka malik hai
Naam usi ka liya karo.

Allah hee Allah

Allah he Allah kiya karo
Dukh na kisi ko diya karo
Jo duniya ka malik hai
Naam ussi ka liya karo.

Allah Hi Allah Kiya Karo Dukh Na Kissi Ko Diya …

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Default "The Chosen One"

In a time of darkness and greed
It is your light that we need
You came to teach us how to live
Muhammad Ya Rasool Allah

You were so caring and kind
Your soul was full of light
You are the best of mankind
Muhammad Khaira Khalqillah
Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habib Al Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

From luxury you turned away
And all night you would pray
Truthful in every word you say
Muhammad Ya Rasul Allah

Your face was brighter than the sun
Your beauty equaled by none
You are Allah’s Chosen One
Muhammad Khaira Khalqillah
Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habib Al Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

I will try to follow your way
And do my best to live my life
As you taught me
I pray to be close to you

On that day and see you smile
When you see me
Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habibil Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habibi Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One

Last edited by giulie; 8 April 2011 at 20:04.
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Default "Baraka Allahu Lakuma"

We’re here on this special day
Our hearts are full of pleasure
A day that brings the two of you
Close together
We’re gathered here to celebrate
A moment you’ll always treasure
We ask Allah to make your love
Last forever

Let’s raise our hands and make Du’a
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice

Let’s all say, say, say

بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما
وجمع بينكما في خير
بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما
وجمع بينكما في خير
Baraka Allahu Lakuma wa Baraka alikuma
Wa jamaah baina kuma fee khair.
Barakallah hu lakuma wa baraka alikuma
Wa jamaah baina kuma fii khair.

From now you’ll share all your chores
Through heart-ship to support each other
Together worshipping Allah
Seeking His pleasure

We pray that He will fill your life
With happiness and blessings
And grants your kids who make your home
Filled with laughter

Let’s raise our hands and make Dua
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice
Let’s all say, say, say

بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما
وجمع بينكما في خير
Baraka Allahu Lakuma wa Baraka alikuma
Wa jamaah baina kuma fee khair.
Barakallah hu lakuma wa baraka alikuma
Wa jamaah baina kuma fii khair.

بارك الله
بارك الله لكم ولنا

الله بارك لهما
الله أدم حبهما
الله صلّي وسلّم على رسول الله

الله تب علينا
الله ارض عنا
الله اهد خطانا
على سنة نبينا

Let’s raise our hands and make Du’a
Like the Prophet taught us
And with one voice
Let’s all say, say, say

بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما
Barakallahu Lakuma wa Baraka alikuma